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Celebrating Diversity and Innovation: Asamaka Industries Limited at Connect For: Black Entrepreneurs Showcase

Celebrating Diversity and Innovation: Asamaka Industries Limited at Connect For: Black Entrepreneurs Showcase

Asamaka Industries Limited proudly participated in the recent Connect For: Black Entrepreneurs Showcase event hosted by EPICentre. This event, held on February 7th, was a celebration of diversity, entrepreneurship, and innovation, highlighting the remarkable achievements of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) owned businesses in the Windsor-Essex community. Asamaka Industries Limited was honored to be a part of this inspiring gathering, which provided an opportunity to connect with fellow supporters of diversity and learn from the experiences of talented Black entrepreneurs.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity
At Asamaka Industries Limited, we recognize the importance of embracing diversity and inclusivity in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Events like the Connect For: Black Entrepreneurs Showcase are essential for fostering a supportive environment where businesses of all backgrounds can thrive. We commend EPICentre for its ongoing commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity within the Windsor-Essex community and beyond.


  • POSTED: February 25, 2024
  • BY Admin